Kuberitahu satu rahasia padamu, Kawan. Buah paling manis dari berani bermimpi adalah kejadian-kejadian menakjubkan dalam perjalanan menggapainya (Maryamah Karpov, Andrea Hirata, hal 433)

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Panti Jompo Harapan Jaya

Pada hari Sabtu, tgl 21 Jan'12 sekitar pukul 15.00 WIB kami telah melakukan kunjungan ke Panti Jompo Harapan Jaya di Titi Papan, Medan, untuk menyerahkan bantuan berupa beras, diapers untuk orang tua, minyak kayu putih, serta angpau. Untuk angpau langsung diserahkan kepada masing-masing penghuni Panti tsb, yang jumlahnya ada 46 orang.
On Saturday, 21st Jan'12 around 3 pm, we have visited a Nursing Home for the Elderly at Titi Papan, Medan, to hand some contribution of rice, diapers for the elderly, cajuput oil, & red-pockets. Red-pockets were handed directly to each of the Nursery Home occupants, total of 46 people.

Tidak semua penghuni Panti adalah orang tua; di antaranya terdapat juga pemuda yang cacat kaki dan wanita muda yang cacat mental. Terdapat 11 orang petugas di sana, di bawah pimpinan Sdr. Ahok. Bagi yang ingin berbagi, Sdr. Ahok dapat dihubungi di 0813-9781-4088.
Not all of the occupant are the elderly, there is a young man with handicapped legs and also young women with mental problems. There are 11 attendants under the supervision of Mr. Ahok. For they who want to contribute, Mr. Ahok can be contacted at his mobile phone 0813-9781-4088.

Terima kasih kepada teman-teman yang telah bersedia berbagi sehingga pemberian bantuan ini dapat terwujud. Kebaikan seperti bumerang, ia akan kembali. Tuhan memberkati.
Thank you to all friend who are willing to contribute that has made this sharing possible. Kindness is like a boomerang, it'll return. God bless.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Ice Cream

Love is...

You don't have enough money to buy 2 ice-creams. You buy 1 and give it to your kid. You look at her enjoying every melt & drop of the ice-cream. You watch the chocolate cream all over her lips & cheek. You are satisfied without having to have it. You are simply happy because she is happy.

That is love.

Girly School Bag

Cute is...

At school, seeing some young, tall, macho, good-looking daddies carrying girly pinky 'Princess' school-bags on their shoulder :)

The scene is funny...

Sunday Morning Smile

Joy is...

Waking up late in Sunday morning, look at my still-sleeping-mini-bear, touch her hair, forehead, wait in silence till she squirms her whole body, opens her eyes, and gives me a sweet morning smile...

Life is wonderful!

Sunday, October 23, 2011


Joy is...

When someone you hope will care about you, does care about you...

Life is lovable...

Monday, October 3, 2011

Sweet Bath

Joy is...

Hearing my friend's story of how her young kid sweetly offering to bath his mom, brushing her foot & washing her hair... all in spontaneity, rubbed up in sincerity, all with those tiny pair of hands & a warm heart...

Life is sweet...

Saturday, October 1, 2011


Joy is ...

Arrive home from work, seeing my darling daughter opens the door so enthusiastically, greets me with a warm hug & a sweet smile...

Life becomes more bearable...